Tag Archives: Posture

Pre-Natal Posture

by in Posture, Uncategorized June 24, 2015

Let’s do an experiment….stretch your abdominal muscles so they can no longer contract, duck tape a 20 pound kettle bell to your stomach and now loosen all of the supports across your joints.  How is it possible that any of us make it through pregnancy WITHOUT back pain? We are amazingly created and it is […]

Dear Teachers

by in Posture May 10, 2015

Dear Teachers, First off let me say what an admiration I have for teachers.  I am personally so grateful for the sense of wonder and tools for learning that you have shared with my children.  They have been inspired and encouraged and both of them have such supportive yet propulsive platforms to head off into […]

You Get to go Traveling!

by in Posture May 10, 2015

Lucky, lucky you!  I love and totally believe the saying, “travel is the only thing you can spend money on and be richer for”!So, I am just curious if you want to start your vacation feeling stiff and sore? If so, DO NOT do any of the following things… ; )1. Think about your pre-trip […]

Kind of Ironic

by in Posture May 10, 2015

In January I began my exploration into the unknown world of social media, with the creation of the Posture Project.  It has been very exciting to have had such positive feedback and know I may be inspiring health and confidence within such a limitless audience.  Of course my posts and tweets all have to do […]

Yoga Gratitude

by in Posture, Uncategorized May 5, 2015

I really am grateful for my yoga practise.  I value my time on the mat to focus inward and I know for certain that it has tremendous value in managing my daily stress level.  I am also constantly amazed how much ancient wisdom about posture is at the “core” of a physical yoga practise.  For […]