Making lists

by in Posture December 2, 2015

I was listening to an interview on CBC the other day and the speaker encouraged people to make 2  lists…one with the 5 things that are most important to you right now in your life and a second with the 5 things you spend the most amount of time on in your week. She went on to say that if the two lists are similar than you probably live a pretty fulfilling life.  If, however, there is very little cross over, you probably feel unsettled and unsatisfied.  But, these lists can now be used as a tool to create more congruency between the life you live and the life that is important to you, as you try to re prioritize the precious minutes in your week, month, year.

This sounded like very wise advice.

So I thought about my lists…family, work, friends, travel/new experiences and health.
Then it occurred to me that I cannot put any energy into the first 4 if I do not have the 5th. Even though I know I do work relatively hard at staying healthy and I earn my living by helping others, I had never thought of it this way.  By not prioritizing healthy choices, I am jeopardizing my ability to fully show up for the most important things in my life. Hmmm that’s big.

So, off I go to look ahead to this week and do my best to try to make my lists line up…..